Author Archives: Stephan
Notification of participants and postponing of early registration payment deadline
Due to the delay in the reviewing process, the notification of the participants will start only today and will happen also during the week. Also the deadline for the early registration payment will be postponed to the 4th of JUNE. … Continue reading
Notification of participants delayed
Due to the large number of applications, the reviewers are struggling with the selection of the participants. The information of the selected participants will very probably delayed until the next week (commencing 7th May). We apologize for any possible inconvenience.
Submission of abstracts is completed
The submitted abstracts will now be reviewed and the accepted participants will be notified at the beginning of May. The next important deadline is 31 May for early registration payment.
Conference poster published
Here is the poster of the QCMC2012 Conference: QCMC2012 Poster Could you please download it, print it and put it up on your local bulletin board.